A Bench by the Road

The Toni Morrison Society’s Bench by the Road Project will be placing its 23rd Bench on April 7th, 2018 in honor of South-View cemetery, established in 1886 by Jacob McKinley, George W. Graham, Robert Grant, Charles H. Morgan, John Render and Albert Watts, all of whom wished to create a bucolic resting place for Atlanta's African American community. Among those interred at South-View include: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner, Alonzo Franklin Herndon, Horace Mann Bond, Mattiwilda Dobbs, Jean Childs Young, Walt Bellamy, and Julian Bond. In addition, the bench will also be placed in large part to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the passing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as the cemetery holds an important place in the story surrounding his burial. King was first interred at South-View after his death but was moved several years later to his final resting place at the MLK Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change. His parents, however, would in fact be buried in King's original crypt.

Please join us on Saturday, April 7th, at 4:30PM at South-View Cemetery, located at 1990 Jonesboro Rd, S.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30315, to honor the memory of this sacred resting place. This Bench placement is co-sponsored by the Toni Morrison Society and the Historic South-View Preservation Foundation.

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